The Noahide InstituteThe Torah, in describing the Jewish People, states that “[a]ll the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you and your descendants,” Bereshit 28:14, and that the Jewish People should be “a light of nations.” Yeshayahu 49:6. In Parasha Noach, the Torah recounts the story of the Great Flood, which HaShem brought upon an exceedingly corrupt world. After the flood had subsided, HaShem made a promise to never again bring upon the earth a flood that would destroy the entire world. Rather, HaShem gave the world the Seven Laws of Noach, which the peoples of the world are commanded to follow. Later, as recounted in Parasha Yitro, HaShem gave the Torah to the Jewish People at Mount Sinai. The result of these two events, the giving of the Seven Laws of Noach and the Giving of the Torah to the Jewish People, means that HaShem, as explained through His Torah, created only two classes of people: Jews and Noahides. Jews should be a “light unto the nations” by teaching Torah to Noahides and Noahides shall be blessed by the Jewish People. Sadly, the Jewish People have neglected their obligation to make the Torah accessible to Noahides and others who want to learn about the Seven Laws of Noach. In order to make Torah knowledge available to all who seek to learn, The Noahide Institute, a division of The Israel Foundation, endeavors to make knowledge of the Seven Laws of Noach available to all who seek it. |